Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Stood Beneath the Bell-Jar....

I remember back in 1984 during my job interview at
Stanford University Physics Department, my then future 
boss telling me; "You are standing under it" referring to
the bell-jar as he called it. It was about the size and  shape
of an early space capsule (one man) bell looking thing.

There it was hanging over my head What U ask? the bell-jar
man. U know the place where we mankind first split the atom...
way under ground...."my God it's full of stars" one physicist 
was said to have said.
Wow my future boss then (1984) was as Jaaazed up about that
as a football gamer about football....over.

Is it still there?.....where? ......... somewhere underground in the
physics department.....thats all i can tell U 4 fear that they might
come and try to silence me....i don't know if the bell-jar is still still could be. It was a part of a much bigger and
worldwide effort by many top scientist back in 1944 to split
the atom before anyone (country) else did it first. Both
Jews and Germans worked on this project which led to
the atomic bomb.

Thank U & no more ?'s 

Please scroll down to read my notes on physics.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Please Scroll Down to Read My Notes.

After reading the comment below
by Avalon 1. Please Scroll down to 
read my:
Excerpts From My Notes on Physics.
Public Note:
Clicking here will take U to my
proof, That I was RIGHT! in 1999
about black holes sucking in all 
matter, Then exploding outward 
again forming stars, life, etc.

Also I am researching static charge as a power 
source created & stored in special clothing etc.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Thank You Avalon1 for Your Honest Comment.

Old Yesterday, 07:49 PM
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Thank you for sharing your research. IT is exactly the material I can work with for my own work of explaining our relaity through quantum physics. I would truly be interested in any more you have that is of this caliber.

Love and light